Currently he is the Director of (, a business news website specialised in Morocco and North Africa. He has been the Director of the Magtel Group (Infrastructures and Energy) in Morocco and North-Africa. Director of Marketing and Communication of Electria, (Madrid, 2010-2012). Executive consultant for the Secretary of State for the EU at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. (Madrid, 2008 – 2010. Chief of Staff, General Director and Deputy Director of Programmes. (2005 – 2008) European Institute of the Mediterranean. (Barcelona, Spain). Technical Consultant for the Parliamentary Commission of Foreign Affairs, Human Rights and Defence at the European Parliament. Coordination of the Delegation for Relation with the Maghreb. (Brussels, 1999-2005).
Associate Degree in Foreign Trade and International Business Management. Master degree in Business Direction, Management and Organisation from the School of Business Management (EAE) and Camilo José Cela University (Madrid). Postgrado "Community Manager y Social Media. University of Barcelona, and the School of Business Management (EAE). Degree in Political Science from the National University of Distance Learning (UNED).
He is the author of many books, such as:
“The Energy of the small things: democracy, technology and territory” (Ed Algón, 2012), “Europe in the times of cholera” (Ed. El Cobre 2010), “The new energy of Green communication” (2011 Asociación de Comunicación Política (ACOP). "Renewable energies and green jobs" (2011). Book "10 questions and answers about the socioeconomic strategy Europe 2020". EBook “Profitable company, responsible company” (2006). He has been awarded “First Prize for a post on the European Union and Green growth" European Blogs Contest 2012 during the Danish presidency of the EU 2012.