1998: Bachelor in Science in Chemistry (BSC) from University Mohamed 1o Oujda (Morocco)
2005: Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed) from the University of Cordoba
August 2003: Internship at the Veterinary Clinic “Al-Beitar” Melilla
December 2003: Internship at dairy cattle veterinary clinic. Pozoblanco –Córdoba-
March 2004: Execution of agricultural and livestock prospections of dairy cattle farms. Los Pedroches, Cordoba.
January 2007- 2013: Lead Auditor, the Halal Institute.
March 1st-17th 2005: Food Hygiene training course organised by Fundecor and the Department of Bromatology and Food Technology of the University of Cordoba.
June 2011: Attendee at International Training for Auditors of Halal Certifying Bodies June 16th – 22nd, HALAL MUI Indonesia).
December 2012: Attendee at the European Halal Food Conference Rotterdam 03 Dec. 2012.
December 2012: Attendee at Middle East Sharjah Halal Congress, (Dec 10th – 12th 2012).1st international Halal Food Trade Expo (Dec 10th – 12th 2012).
March 2013: Attendee at the semi-annual Meeting WHFC Europe.
June 2013: Attendee at the 2nd Global Halal Trade & Logistics Summit, June 17th – 18th Malaysia.
March 2014: Attendee at the semi-annual Meeting WHFC Europe.
May 2014: Attendee at the Kuwait Halal Congress and Halal Auditor Training Course. Kuwait.