Photojournalist, Broadcaster, Social Worker and Consultant specialised in gender and the Muslim world. Was chosen by El País newspaper as one of the 100 most influential people in Ibero-America (2010). Laure is a researcher and a member of the Executive Committee of the Euro Mediterranean University Institute, in charge of the Secretariat of Maghreb & Middle East. Laure coordinates the “Jalar” Study Group, composed of halal consumers.
Laure Rodríguez Quiroga studies Marketing and Communication, Currently is the managing director of the Halal Institute Press office. She has worked and collaborated with several media outfits such as: Córdoba International, Arauca Media, AlbaTV, RTVE, Digital Islamic Newspaper, Webislam, Cambio 16 magazine or El Mundo newspaper. She promotes the specialised magazine “Halal News”.
She has studied International Trade, International Cooperation, Co-development and Local Development. Laure has worked for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs at the Spanish Embassy in Morocco. Laure was the first Social Worker in Spain to undertake projects through the International Consulting firm “Torre de Babel”, supported by Dr. Ezequiel Ander Egg. Laure has travelled and lived in many parts of the world, such as: Nicaragua; Costa Rica; Mexico; Peru; Morocco; Algeria; Sahara; Palestine; etc., being in touch with the reality of the world.